Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Screw Loose Change: The Three Stooges at Troofstock

Screw Loose Change: The Three Stooges at Troofstock: "Dylan Avery posted this video of him, Steven Jones, and Richard Gage at Troofstock in San Diego, bizarrely thinking it would make him look good. It starts out with Jones going on with his thermite fetish, which he describes differently every time he mentions it. It gets most interesting about halfway through when the audience (what little there are, the place is mostly empty) starts turning on them. One guy starts screaming the middle of the aisle, 'Stop! Please, you are killing the left!' Before getting on his knees begging, and finally leaving. A couple of other audience members ask how such a complicated plot could be brought off, to which they get little answer other than 'Hey, we don't have the details, we are investigating'. It is worth watching just for that."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Penn & Teller and James Randi - Gatekeepers

Penn & Teller and James Randi - Gatekeepers? - David Icke's Official Forums:

Anyone else of the opinion that Penn & Teller and James Randi are skeptic gatekeepers, out to take ownership of dissent? They point out facts when it suits them i.e. the Bermuda triangle, UFO's, but both are strongly against the 9/11 truth movement, and both are jewish.

The Amazing Randi's forum JREF is a well known base for 9/11 shills who pollute 9/11 truth forums and create their own 9/11 lie sites all across the web.

Penn & Teller made a horrendous, foul-mouthed episode of their 'skeptic' show to debunk the 9/11 truth movement.

Steven Jones Disinfo Agent ?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fema Concentration Camp In Savannah

On Hwy. 80 15 miles from downtown. Wake up sheeple!

Shills Shill History Channel Hit Piece

Reich Wing shills Ed Morrissey and Rick "Moron" Moran threaten Truthers with Nuclear Destruction!

We Want Better Lighting

Captain's Quarters: "The debunkers' interviews [on the History Channel's hit piece on 9/11 Truth] were pristinely shot and framed, with beautiful backdrops and highly sympathetic camera angles and filters, whereas the truthers were shot from bizarre positions, their images were deliberately distorted and even the color filter of the shot had been manipulated to make their appearance look tainted, blurred and contorted. This was an intentional ploy and a crude act of manipulation to detract credibility from the truthers and violates all known ethical standards of journalism."

Here's Some Troof For Ya Gubment Shills!


Web Fairy Was In Psych Ward!

political-research : Message: WEBFAIRY In Hospital - ASSAULT VICTIM:

"The next day in the early afternoon of 2/12 Rosalie claims she was assaulted by her roommate-nephew. There were no witnesses. Chris's german shepard viciously began to attack Rosalie and she ended up in Swedish Covenant Hospital. For reasons we are still puzzled over, Rosalie was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Rosalie claims that her nephew's mother, Rosalie's sister, has been in continuous contact with the hospital in an attempt to cover-up her son's violent behavior toward her.

Rosalie signed a 5-day agreement with Swedish Covenant Hospital which should expire tomorrow. Hospital officials are no longer talking about releasing her and Rosalie - while admitting she may be 'paranoid' - thinks something very dark and political is behind this. The next day in the early afternoon of 2/12 Rosalie claims she was assaulted by her roommate-nephew. There were no witnesses. Chris's german shepard viciously began to attack Rosalie and she ended up in Swedish Covenant Hospital. For reasons we are still puzzled over, Rosalie was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the hospital.

Rosalie claims that her nephew's mother, Rosalie's sister, has been in continuous contact with the hospital in an attempt to cover-up her son's violent behavior toward her.

Rosalie signed a 5-day agreement with Swedish Covenant Hospital which should expire tomorrow. Hospital officials are no longer talking about releasing her and Rosalie - while admitting she may be 'paranoid' - thinks something very dark and political is behind this."